Here we are, after 20 years of activity. When I look back, I am amazed of everything that has been done, and I am aware that all this has been possible only with Gods help.

It all started with 2 persons but, one by one, people of different religions, with various disabilities, and souls filled with grief and disappointments came and joined us. Year after year, many other hearts with various problems and sufferings joined us. I think each of them had experiences here that helped them grow up. Even the negative aspects taught us something.

During our meetings, I had the chance to see the frowns disappearing from these people faces, their anxiety and sadness going away, being replaced with peace, contentment and smiles.

Our goal was, besides the spiritual part, to make people with disabilities realize that they are able to do something in this world. Being a disabled person is not merely to receive, but you also have to give, in order to be fulfilled. Each of us, no matter what our disability is, is able to help our fellows. Even though you have a serious disability, you cant use any of your limbs, your smile, your advice or your prayer can do a lot. A good example is Florin Tudorica. He has spastic tetraparesis, he can barely use his limbs, and he has problems with sight. However, he is a real encouragement to us, and we all love him. His prayers help us and his behavior amazes us. He never offended anyone; instead, he comforts and suffers along. This means a lot!

Irina Schiopu