Tabita Silaghi

Dear sponsors and organizers of the Marișel Camp with the name “An anchor of the soul” Hebrews 6:19 “I was impressed by the warmth with which we were treated, the love for each other, the fellowship, the socialization, the very good food. But most of all I was able to rejoice in the Lord with you. That I had you almost after the 22 operations on one leg this week was an OASIS! Benefit Tabita ... [citește mai mult]

God's help throughout years

Here we are, after 20 years of activity. When I look back, I am amazed of everything that has been done, and I am aware that all this has been possible only with Gods help. It all started with 2 persons but, one by one, people of different religions, with various disabilities, and souls filled with grief and disappointments came and joined us. Year after year, many other hearts with various problems and sufferings joined us. I think each of them had experiences here that helped them grow up. Even the negative aspects taught us something. During our meetings, I had the chance to see the frowns disappearing from these people faces, their anxiety and sadness going away, being replaced ... [citește mai mult]

God's gifts

Another gift I got in all these years were the outside activities: visiting other cities, spending worship time in various churches or families willing to know us, and also peaceful mountain camps. These trips were extremely important to us. For some of us, they meant taking important decisions in our lives. We remember the trip to Alba-Iulia with pleasure, when one of the Mefiboset Christian Centre members met her future husband. We are glad God was there with us and He used our trip to unite two sensible souls in a blessed marriage. Looking back, I can only thank God that, in another trip, He showed me how important I am, that He would give people in exchange for me, for me to be near ... [citește mai mult]

An Oasis in the Desert

Our life in the world is like the Israelites crossing the desert, to the Promised Land, to Canaan. In their journey, they came across dry lands, wildlife sites filled with cries, or dangerous places due to venomous snakes. But in this entire journey, God guided them, miraculously intervening, removing the desert heat and the dangers. Thus, He created a blessed oasis in the middle of the desert, giving them water from the rock, bread from heaven, solving the problem with venomous snakes, carrying them on wings, like the eagle does with his eaglets. The same thing happens in our lives, every Friday, at our meetings at Caritatea, where people with visible or less visible disabilities, come ... [citește mai mult]